Preparing for Higher Education

Preparing for Higher Education

This page is focused on the process of applying for university and getting ready for the new educational environment.

Psychology Taster Day 2024

On February 23, 2024, the Psychology Department ran their annual Psychology Taster Day for young people interested in studying psychology at university. We invited psychology teachers and their students from schools in the area to come learn about the research we do at the department, experience our campus through campus tours, and hear from some of our inspiring lecturers.

During a day-long event, students and their teachers heard keynotes from Dr Sam Fairlamb on “Worm at the core: On the role of death in life” and from Dr Shiri Lev Ari on “Why don’t we believe non-native speakers?”. They also took part in a number of research demonstrations, run by Dr Szonya Durant, Dr Anastasiya Lopukhina, Prof Johannes Zanker, Dr Ashley Symons and Dr Matt Talbot – these demonstrations were on understanding eye movements (using eye tracking) and rhythms of the brain (using EEG), as well as on how virtual reality can be used in psychology research.

The day was rounded off by tours of RHUL campus given by our RHUL ambassadors – luckily before the standard rain showers came down on us!

Visit our website to find out more about our school events:

Psychology Taster Evening 2023

On October 4th 2023, the Psychology department hosted a Psychology Schools Lecture Evening. This event gave A-level students the opportunity to hear short taster lectures from two of our RHUL academics in the Department of Psychology, as well as the chance to hear from some of our current psychology undergraduate students. This year’s talks included ‘Headphones and helicopters: How research on attention can be used in the real world’ by Professor Polly Dalton and ‘Reputation and human prosociality’ by Dr Hirotaka Imada.

An International Student’s Guide to UK University (COVID-19)

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, there was widespread uncertainty about what it meant for the education sector. While everyone was affected, international students were particularly worried about what the virus meant for their studies. This link provides some helpful guidance but remember to check your institution’s advice re COVID and travelling from abroad.

The MyTutor Guide to UCAS

This guide contains helpful information such as:

·       A useful, step-by-step guide for parents whose children are applying to university through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). The guide explores a good range of issues in a detailed but easily accessible way.

·       Information to help guide parents through the application process, including important considerations such as visas, disabled access, and funding (did you know that 80% of students use a loan to pay for their degree?).

·       Practical tips and advice that will prove helpful, including tips on choosing courses and universities, filling out the education and employment sections of the application, how to write the best personal statement, how to get references, and submitting the application itself.

·       A section on the benefits of mentorship – letting students and parents know that help is available from tutors who have been through the same process themselves.

Working with Schools

Royal Holloway Psychology Department are actively engaged in working with schools. Explore our resources for schools and colleges and our public events here: Working with schools

If you have any questions about preparing for higher education, teaching, learning and student support at university as well as studying psychology please get in touch with us.

Psychology Competition for A-level students

Every year, the RHUL Psychology Department hosts a Psychology Competition for A-level students. Year 12 students from across the UK are invited to take part and apply their psychological knowledge to a pressing question. Students may want to look at findings from psychological studies, think about the implications of a psychological theory, or approach it completely differently. It’s an opportunity for you to showcase their understanding of Psychology. To find out more, please visit the Royal Holloway website:

The final event for the 2021 National Psychology Competition, sponsored by Oxford University Press, took place on 21st April. Using a virtual castle as the backdrop, students virtually presented their work to six judges! This year’s theme was ‘how can psychology help to create a better future?’ and the winning team came from Hazelwick School in Crawley whose video can be seen here. For their poster and video, they considered how psychology can decrease the impact of fake news. 


Our 2020 competition theme was “How can psychology help us to understand current events?”. Watch the video from the winning team from Lady Eleanor Holles School here:


Winners of Psychology Competition 2018  –  Hugh Baird College, Liverpool

Winners of Psychology Competition 2017

Resources for A-level students 

We have a number of resources specifically developed for teachers and A-level students by Dr Eilidh Cage, covering topics such as clinical psychology, neuroscience and research methods. Find out more here:

Psychology Taster Evening

On October 9th 2019, the Psychology department hosted a Psychology Schools Lecture Evening. This event gave A-level students the opportunity to hear short taster lectures from two of our RHUL academics in the department of psychology, as well as the chance to hear from some of our current psychology undergraduate students. This was a popular event, with over 170 students attending. This year’s talks included: ‘How can Psychology help us understand Psychopathy and Extremism in the 21st Century?’- Professor Amina Memon. ‘The evolution of tweeting: what birds can teach us about learning, speech and culture’ – Dr Rob Lachlan.

Psychology Taster Day

On April 17th 2018, the Psychology Department ran their annual Psychology Taster Day for young people interested in studying psychology at university. At this day-long event, visitors heard keynote lectures from Professor Hanna Zagefka on “The Psychology of Love” and Dr Joshua Balsters on “The Neuroscience of Reward”. Visitors also took part in research demonstrations, where they had the chance to participate in real psychological research looking at topics such as eyewitness testimony, social media, and childhood experiences. They also received a tour of our research labs, including our MRI Scanner, Sleep Lab, Gravity Lab and VoCoLab. Visit our website to find out more about our school events: