Consultancy and Training
We are actively involved in consultancy and training of colleagues. These are some of our recent activities and projects:
- Society for Research into Higher Education: Dr Bourne, Dr James and Dr Serbic design and deliver training on quantitative and qualitative research methods for teachers and researchers across UK.
- British Psychological Society: Division of Academics, Researchers and Teachers in Psychology: Dr Bourne has been a committee member since 2013 and has chaired the organising committee for their inaugural conference in 2018.
- Higher Education Academy: Dr Bourne has given a number of talks at HEA events, focusing on making the teaching of research methods and statistics fun and accessible.
- Royal Holloway, University of London: Dr Serbic provides training to new tutors on small group teaching and marking.
We have a range of expertise and could also offer training on:
- Dr Mendes: Mental health and well-being, for example mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders in young adults
- Dr Nodin: Young people’s LGBT mental health, LGBT inclusivity in the higher education setting, substance misuse and other mental health issues
- Dr Serbic: Invisible physical disabilities and quality of life in students
- We can also offer training in innovative teaching practices, qualitative research etc.
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss other training needs. Email us at